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Landmark Wildlife was asked to help a landowner in Burleson County with their wildlife management program.  The 500+ acre property has been utilized for cattle grazing for years.  Due to a desire to let the land recover from overgrazing and an intense interest in wildlife, the tract will be converted to wildlife appraisal in 2013.  Over the past several months, Landmark has been conducting various wildlife management practices on the property including mesquite control, a spotlight deer survey, erecting Wood Duck boxes, and riparian management.

Several creek areas with consistent water flows had sparse amounts of brush cover.  To enhance habitat for Wood Ducks in these areas, Landmark planted over 200 cottonwood tree cuttings along three creeks.  Depending on accessibility, plantings were done by foot or kayak.  In time, these trees will provide additional cover needed by Wood Ducks and other wildlife.

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